DIY Glitter Encrusted Water Bottles

Looking for a fun way to spruce up our water bottles (as if adding vinyl isn't enough! LOL)

You’ll need the following supplies:

  • Water Bottles found at My Vinyl Direct.
  • Ruler
  • Blue painters tape
  • Dishwasher safe Modge Podge
  • Foam sponge brushes
  • Fine glitter
  • Paper plates
  • Throw away table cloth

Now that we have all of our supplies let me tell you the process I used to make these encrusted *glitter* bottom bottles!

  • First I started by wiping down the bottles with a rag dipped in rubbing alcohol. It will clean the bottle well and remove any weird fingerprints/residue.
  • Next I took out my handy dandy ruler and decided that I liked the look of having the glitter go from the bottom of the bottle up to about 2.5 inches.
  • Get out your painters tape and tape the area off where you want your crisp line to fall on the bottle. Anything below your line you will decorate!
  • Once bottles are taped off we need to apply a layer of Modge Podge starting from your tape line to the bottom of the bottle. Use your foam sponge brush to apply this, nice and easy!
  • Now that the bottle has your glue on it you need to apply your glitter! I found it easier to hold the bottle over a paper plate while I shake on the glitter so that the plate catches all the extra glitter and saves it for you to reuse.

  • Once you’ve completely covered the bottle bottoms with glitter shake and tap the bottle over your plate to remove the excess and then stand the bottle upside down to dry.
  • Wait 2 hours for this coat to dry and then tap the bottle with your hand, over the plate to catch any excess.
  • Now you will add your FIRST protective coat of Modge Podge with your sponge brush OVER the glittered area on the bottle.
  • Wait 2 hours for the Modge Podge layer to dry; repeat this step 3 times until your bottles have 3 protective coats over the glittered area.
  • Remove the blue painters tape after your last coat of Modge Podge dries.

Now you are ready to decorate your glitter bottles with My Vinyl Direct Gloss Craft Vinyl!

I’ve decided to add motivational sayings to mine; you can certainly customize yours any way you see fit! Also you can do this method to any tumblers or cups you have. Be creative.

Have fun and share your glitter encrusted bottles with us. We would love to see them!

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